Celia Bishop is NOT the mother of Lydia Blankenship!
From: NancyEBishop@aol.com
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 22:25:35 EDT
Subject: Blankenship
To: TheUltimateAuthority@yahoo.com
CC: nancyb@nicsweb.com
I just found your webpage on Lydia Blankenship, and wanted to write. My concern is with the Celia Bishop aspect of it, and wanted to put in a little additional input, you are more than welcome to use this on your site if you want to. Also, please, if you reply, use my regular email address. I am on the road right now, sitting in a motel room actually in Morehead Kentucky, having just went through Carter County today, as a matter of fact. Going home tomorrow, or Friday, so even if your mail to my regular email address bounces the first time, please just resend as I have not taken the time to download email from the server now for almost two weeks. It will be back up and working by Sunday if it is down. My reg email is nancyb@nicsweb.com or Nancyb1962@verizon.net - also Nancye1962@yahoo.com - but don't check that one as often.
Here are some notes I had on Celia Bishop- (daughter of Stephen Bishop and Elizabeth Fletcher)-
Re: Bishop Family
Author: Karen Perry Date: 5 Aug 2002 4:31 PM GMT
Classification: Query Nancy,
Thank you for your reply to my message.
Have William Blankenship b:1827 Ohio
married Celia Bishop 1848 Morgan County, Kentucky.
Celia Bishop b:1832 Va but the 1880 Morgan Co,Ky census shows 1862.
Her parents Stephen Bishop b:1791 Va d:1848 Morgan Co,Ky & Elizabeth Fletcher b:1812 Va. 1880 Morgan Co, Ky census says 1825 Va.
Children for William Blankenship & Celia Bishop that I have are:
1.Jensen 6-2-1852 Morgan Co,Ky
2.Benjamin J.12-27-1853 N.Fork Morgan Co,Ky (Could this be Johnson)?
Johnson Blankenship married Louisa Hicks 10-26-1872 Carter Co,Ky. Louisa was b:8-22-1850 Carter County, Kentucky; her parents are Henry Hicks & Sarah Nolen.
Children of Johnson Blankenship & Louisa Hicks:
-1.Margaret (Maggie)1874
-2.Cynthia E.6-4-1877 m:Charles Duncan
-3.Edward Franklin 1881 m: Nora Brown
-4.America Frances 1882-1941 Carter Co,Ky m:Wyatt McClesse
-5.Henry 7-28-1884 m:Parthena Tackett
-6.Elizabeth (Lizzie)9-24-1888-2-16-1961 Carter Co,Ky m:Jack Fisher
-7. Martin
If i come across anything else will let you know.
Thank You,
I agree with your mention of the fact below (editors note: on the "Dam Brick Wall website):
-Lydia Blankenship was born about 1815-1817 in VA.
-William Blankenship and Celia Bishop were married 27 Feb 1848 in Morgan Co. KY.
It would have been impossible for Celia to have been the mother of Lydia. Note the children as listed above in this correspondence- (and I will send you my census listings on them when I get home thiscoming week- this shows further documentation as well).
Base outline descendant tree for Celia and William:
Descendants of Celia Bishop
1 Celia Bishop 1832 -
.. +William Blankenship 1827 -
......... 2 Jensen Blankenship 1852 -
......... 2 Benjamen Johnson Blankenship 1853 -
............. +Louisa Hicks
.................... 3 Martin Blankenship
.................... 3 Sarah Blankenship
.................... 3 Margaret Blankenship 1874 -
.................... 3 Cynthia E. Blankenship 1877 -
........................ +Charles Duncan
.................... 3 America Frances Blankenship 1882 - 1941
........................ +Wyatt McClesse
.................... 3 Henry Blankenship 1884 -
........................ +Parthena Tackett
.................... 3 Elizabeth Blankenship 1888 - 1961
........................ +Jack Fisher
......... 2 Sarah A. Blankenship 1856 -
......... 2 James B. Blankenship 1858 -
Thanks for your time,
Nancy Bishop