Blackburn, Elizabeth | November 1836 | William Blackburn given $10 for keeping this poor decriped child woman. |
Blackburn, Henderson | February 1823 | Fined $1 for contempt in the court. |
Blackburn, Hudson | October 1828 | Appointed surveyor. |
Blackburn, Hudson | June 1830 | With William Blackburn, James and Charles Mainer ordered to appear to show cause why if they can why a road shall not pass through their lands according to law. |
Blackburn, Hudson | August 1830 | With William and Thomas Blackbrn to help with a road. |
Blackburn, Hudson | August 1830 | With William Blackburn, James and Charles Mainer give consent to passage of the road. |
Blackburn, Hudson | August 1830 | Named superantendant of opening the road. |
Blackburn, Hudson | September 1830 | With Thomas Blackburn to keep the road in repair by Moses Mainers Mill and Thomas Hunts place. |
Blackburn, Hudson | Novmeber 1830 | Superintendant to open a road. |
Blackburn, Hudson | Novmeber 1830 | Called to help Charles Mainer with the public road. |
Blackburn, Hudson | March 1833 | With Thomas Blackburn to assist in road repair by Moses Mainors mill. |
Blackburn, Hudson | September 1833 | Along with Jessee and Charles Mainard sworn in as road hands. |
Blackburn, Hudson | April 1834 | With William Blackburn to view for a road. |
Blackburn, Hudson | October 1834 | Court Case. |
Blackburn, Hudson | July 1835 | Along with Christphoher Mainor for road work. |
Blackburn, Hudson | April 1842 | Mentioned as a road hand. |
Blackburn, John | April 1838 | Along with William Blackburn to view for a road that formally belonged to Charles Mainor. |
Blackburn, Thomas | October 1822 | Exempt from paying county leavies in the future. |
Blackburn, Thomas | August 1830 | With William and Hudson Blackburn to help with a road. |
Blackburn, Thomas | September 1830 | With Hudson Blackburn to keep the road in repair by Moses Mainers Mill and Thomas Hunts place. |
Blackburn, Thomas | March 1833 | With Hudson Blackburn to assist in road repair by Moses Mainors mill. |
Blackburn, Thomas | April 1838 | Appointed surveyor or the road. |
Blackburn, Thomas | October 1839 | Appointed surveyor. |
Blackburn, Thomas | March 1840 | Mentioned. |
Blackburn, Thomas | June 1841 | Added as road hand. |
Blackburn, William | September 1823 | Ordered to find a way to make a road. |
Blackburn, William | June 1830 | With Hudson Blackburn, James and Charles Mainer ordered to appear to show cause why if they can why a road shall not pass through their lands according to law. |
Blackburn, William | August 1830 | With Hudson and Thomas Blackburn to help with a road. |
Blackburn, William | August 1830 | With Hudson Blackburn, James and Charles Mainer give consent to passage of the road. |
Blackburn, William | April 1834 | With Hudson Blackburn to view for a road. |
Blackburn, William | November 1836 | Given $10 for keeping Elizabeth Blackburn, a poor decriped child woman. |
Blackburn, William | April 1838 | Along with John Blackburn to view for a road that formally belonged to Charles Mainor. |
Blackburn, William | February 1839 | Along with Christopher Mainor to do road work. |
Blackburn, William | June 1839 | To make a road. |
Blackburn, William | December 1842 | Exempt from payment of county levy in the future (March Court). |
Blankenship, Elijah | November 1830 | Together with Ezehial, Russell? and Spencer to keep the road in repair. |
Blankenship, Ezehial | November 1830 | Together with Elijah, Russell? and Spencer to keep the road in repair. |
Blankenship, Lydia | October 1834 | Appointed John Hargis as her guardian with Henry C. Harris providing $100 security. |
Blankenship, Russell? | November 1830 | Together with Ezehial, Elijah and Spencer to keep the road in repair. |
Blankenship, Spencer | November 1830 | Together with Ezehial, Elijah and Russell? to keep the road in repair. |
Blankenship, William | March 1830 | To view and mark a road. |
Blankenship, William | May 1830 | To make his report. |
Blankenship, William | May 1830 | To make the road report. |
Blankenship, William | March 1831 | To view and mark a road. |
Blankenship, William | July 1835 | Ordered to be certified as an Old Revolutionary Soldier. |
Hunt, Adam | July 1835 | Along with Moses Hunt mentioned for road work. |
Hunt, Adam | September 1837 | Along with James? Hunt called as road hands. |
Hunt, George | September 1837 | Along with John and Moses Hunt to survey for a road. |
Hunt, George | September 1840 | Added to road hands. |
Hunt, Henry | April 1838 | Exempt from working on road in the future. |
Hunt, James? | September 1837 | Along with Adam Hunt called as road hands. |
Hunt, John | March 1822 | Resigns Justice of the Peace. Appointed surveyor. |
Hunt, John | July 1822 | To appraise an estate. |
Hunt, John | February 1833 | To view for a road. |
Hunt, John | September 1837 | Along with George and Moses Hunt to survey for a road. |
Hunt, John | January 1840 | Administrator and appraisers appointed for the Estate of John Hunt dec'd. |
Hunt, John | March 1840 | Inventory recieved of the Estate of John Hunt and ordered recorded. |
Hunt, John | April 1841 | With Moses Hunt added as road hands. |
Hunt, John | December 1842 | Settlement with the adminstrator of John Hunts Estate. |
Hunt, Moses | July 1835 | Along with Adam Hunt mentioned for road work. |
Hunt, Moses | September 1837 | Along with John and George Hunt to survey for a road. |
Hunt, Moses | April 1841 | With John Hunt added as road hands. |
Hunt, Phillip | September 1824 | Exempt from paying county leavies in the future on account of imfirmity. |
Hunt, Phillip | October 1840 | Produced an account against John Hunt dec's will and is allowed $5 paid from the Estate. |
Hunt, Thomas | March 1829 | Ordered to survey a road from Moses Mainares Mill. |
Hunt, Thomas | December 1829 | Ordered to help with a road. |
Hunt, Thomas | December 1835 | Mentioned for road work. |
Hunt, Thomas | April 1836 | Mentioned. |
Hunt, Thomas | June 1838 | Mentioned. |
Hunt, Thomas | September 1838 | Road hand near Richard Mainors Mill. |
Hunt, Thomas | October 1838 | To make a road. |
Hunt, Thomas | September 1838 | Road hand near Richard Mainors Mill. |
Hunt, Thomas | April 1839 | Thomas Hunt and former Hunt lands mentioned. |
Hunt, Thomas | April 1841 | With Alvis Mainor for road work. |
Hunt, Thomas | April 1841 | Mentioned. |
Hunt, Thomas | June 1841 | Mentioned. |
Hunt, Thomas | June 1841 | Produced an account against John Hunt, dec'd will and is allowed $8.20 from of the Estate. |
Hunt, William | January 1829 | Has a list of hands to make a road. |
Hunt, William | February 1829 | Fined .50 for contempt of Court. |
Hunt, William | March 1831 | To view and mark a road. |
Hunt, William | February 1833 | With William Mainor to view a road. |
Mainor, Allen | October 1840 | Mentioned. |
Manor, Alvis | April 1839 | Alvis Manors Mill mentioned. |
Mainor, Alvis | April 1841 | With Thomas Hunt for road work. |
Mainor, Charles | March 1829 | A list against him ordered to be withdrawn. |
Mainer, Charles | June 1830 | With James Mainer, William and Hudson Blackburn ordered to appear to show cause why if they can why a road shall not pass through their lands according to law. |
Mainer, Charles | August 1830 | With James Mainer, William and Hudson Blackburn give consent to passage of the road. |
Mainer, Charles | Novmeber 1830 | Appointed supertendant of the public road, Hudson Blackburn to help. |
Marnard, Charles | September 1833 | Along with Jessee Mainard and Hudson Blackburn sworn in as road hands. |
Mainor, Charles | November 1837 | To make a road. |
Mainor, Charles | Janauary 1838 | Ordered to the February court to tell why he has not opened the road. |
Mainor, Charles | April 1838 | William and John Blackburn to view for a road that formally belonged to him. |
Mainor, Charles | April 1838 | Case against him. |
Mainor, Christopher | October 1834 | To view for a road near James Mainors Watermill. |
Mainor, Christopher | July 1835 | Along with Hudson Blackburn for road work. |
Mainor, Christopher | April 1838 | To make a road to James Mainor's Mill. |
Mainor, Christopher | February 1839 | Along with William Blackburn to do road work. |
Mainare, David | June 1822 | Appointed surveyor from Moses Mainare Mill to Louis Mainares. |
Mainare, David | June 1823 | Appointed surveyor. |
Mainare, David | July 1823 | 1822 taxes $40 worth of property. |
Mainare, David | May 1824 | Added to list of surveyors, gets two hands to help him. |
Mainare, David | May 1829 | To assist George Mainare to survey. |
Mainer, David | August 1830 | To assist George Mainer in road making. |
Mainor, David | August 1831 | Requests a road. |
Mainer, David | January 1832 | Motions court to remove a road in James Mainers field. |
Mainor, David | May 1832 | Appointed as a road hand. |
Mainor, David | January 1833 | Gets more road hands. |
Mainor, David | November 1833 | Provides security for Thomas Owens tavern. |
Mainor, David | November 1833 | With George Mainor to view for a road. |
Mainor, David | June 1834 | To view for a road. |
Mainor, David | April 1835 | George, Sampson and Moses Mainor ordered to be added to his list of hands. |
Mainer, George | May 1829 | Appointed Surveyor and David Mainare to help. |
Mainer, George | August 1830 | To assist David Mainer in road making. |
Mainor, George | November 1833 | With David Mainor to view for a road. |
Mainor, George | April 1835 | Along with Sampson and Moses Mainor ordered to David Mainors list of road hands. |
Mainare, Henry | July 1823 | Gave his tithable tax list. |
Mainer, Henry | March 1831 | With James Jr/Sr?, Isaac and Jesse Mainer to assist in road making. |
Mainer, Isaac | May 1830 | With Jesse and William Mainare to help with a road. |
Mainer, Isaac | March 1831 | With Henry, James Jr/Sr? and Jesse Mainer to assist in road making. |
Mainare, James | June 1823 | Exempt from paying county leavies in the future. |
Mainor, James | March 1829 | To assist Thomas Hunt to make a road. |
Mainer, James | June 1830 | With Charles Mainer, William and Hudson Blackburn ordered to appear to show cause why if they can why a road shall not pass through their lands according to law. |
Mainer, James | August 1830 | With Charles Mainer, William and Hudson Blackburn give consent to passage of the road. |
Mainor, James | September 1830 | To view and work the road. |
Mainer, James Jr/Sr? | March 1831 | With Henry, Isaac and Jesse Mainer to assist in road making. |
Mainer, James | January 1832 | Motions by David Mainer to remove a road in James Mainers field. |
Mainor, James | April 1838 | Christpher Mainor to make a road to James Mainor's Mill. |
Mainare, Jessee | June 1823 | Appointed surveyor. |
Mainer, Jessee | May 1830 | With Isaac and William Mainare to help with a road. |
Mainer, Jessee | March 1831 | With Henry, Isaac and James Mainer Jr/Sr? to assist in road making. |
Marnard, Jessee | September 1833 | Along with Charles Mainard and Hudson Blackburn sworn in as road hands. |
Mainare, Louis | March 1822 | Appointed surveyor. |
Mainare, Mark | July 1823 | 1822 taxes $25 worth of property. |
Mainare, Moses | May 1824 | Ear mark records recorded. |
Mainare, Moses | November 1828 | Ordered with William Mainare Jr. to mark the best way for a road. |
Mainer, Moses | January 1829 | Appointed to open a road. |
Mainer, Moses | August 1832 | Moses Mainors Mill mentioned. |
Mainor, Moses | April 1835 | Along with George and Sampson Mainor ordered to David Mainors list of road hands. |
Mainor, Sampson | April 1835 | Along with George and Moses Mainor ordered to David Mainors list of road hands. |
Mainor, Richard | March 1829 | To assist Thomas Hunt to make a road. |
Mainor, Richard | September 1838 | Thomas Hunt to be a road hand near Richard Mainors Mill. |
Mainare, William | July 1823 | 1822 taxes $30 from his list. |
Mainare, William | July 1823 | Exempt from paying county leavies in the future. |
Mainare, William | January 1824 | Recommended as Justice of the Peace. |
Mainare, William | March 1824 | Appointed as Justice of the Peace. |
Mainare, William | May 1824 | Appointed Justice of the Peace and Esgn and received books. |
Mainare, William | November 1824 | Allowed $2 to attend elections as Judge. |
Mainer, William | March 1829 | To assist Thomas Hunt to make a road. |
Mainer, William | May 1830 | With Jesse and Isaac Mainare to help with a road. |
Mainer, William Jr | November 1828 | Ordered with Moses Mainare to mark the best way for a road. |
Mainer, William Sr | March 1829 | To assist Thomas Hunt to make a road. |
Mainor, William | February 1833 | With William Hunt to view a road. |
Trout, Charles | August 1839 | Appointed surveyor. |
Trout, Christian | December 1823 | Ordered to find the best way to make a road. |
Trout, Christian | December 1828 | Ordered to mark a road. |
Trout, Christian | February 1831 | Exempt from paying any county leavies now and in the future. |
Trout, Christian | February 1833 | To view for a road. |
Trout, Christian | October 1834 | Produced statements and made an oath to obtain a pention for service in the Revolutionary War. |
Trout, Christian | July 1835 | To report his review for a road. |
Trout, Christian | June 1837 | Mentioned. |
Trout, Christian | September 1837 | Mentioned a road on his land. |
Trout, Lewis | June 1842 | Court case. |
Trout, Lewis | July 1842 | Court case settled. |
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