Copyright 2000 - Judith Manley

Blackburn, Elizabeth November 1836 William Blackburn given $10 for keeping this poor decriped child woman.
Blackburn, Henderson February 1823 Fined $1 for contempt in the court.
Blackburn, Hudson October 1828 Appointed surveyor.
Blackburn, Hudson June 1830 With William Blackburn, James and Charles Mainer ordered to appear to show cause why if they can why a road shall not pass through their lands according to law.
Blackburn, Hudson August 1830 With William and Thomas Blackbrn to help with a road.
Blackburn, Hudson August 1830 With William Blackburn, James and Charles Mainer give consent to passage of the road.
Blackburn, Hudson August 1830 Named superantendant of opening the road.
Blackburn, Hudson September 1830 With Thomas Blackburn to keep the road in repair by Moses Mainers Mill and Thomas Hunts place.
Blackburn, Hudson Novmeber 1830 Superintendant to open a road.
Blackburn, Hudson Novmeber 1830 Called to help Charles Mainer with the public road.
Blackburn, Hudson March 1833 With Thomas Blackburn to assist in road repair by Moses Mainors mill.
Blackburn, Hudson September 1833 Along with Jessee and Charles Mainard sworn in as road hands.
Blackburn, Hudson April 1834 With William Blackburn to view for a road.
Blackburn, Hudson October 1834 Court Case.
Blackburn, Hudson July 1835 Along with Christphoher Mainor for road work.
Blackburn, Hudson April 1842 Mentioned as a road hand.
Blackburn, John April 1838 Along with William Blackburn to view for a road that formally belonged to Charles Mainor.
Blackburn, Thomas October 1822 Exempt from paying county leavies in the future.
Blackburn, Thomas August 1830 With William and Hudson Blackburn to help with a road.
Blackburn, Thomas September 1830 With Hudson Blackburn to keep the road in repair by Moses Mainers Mill and Thomas Hunts place.
Blackburn, Thomas March 1833 With Hudson Blackburn to assist in road repair by Moses Mainors mill.
Blackburn, Thomas April 1838 Appointed surveyor or the road.
Blackburn, Thomas October 1839 Appointed surveyor.
Blackburn, Thomas March 1840 Mentioned.
Blackburn, Thomas June 1841 Added as road hand.
Blackburn, William September 1823 Ordered to find a way to make a road.
Blackburn, William June 1830 With Hudson Blackburn, James and Charles Mainer ordered to appear to show cause why if they can why a road shall not pass through their lands according to law.
Blackburn, William August 1830 With Hudson and Thomas Blackburn to help with a road.
Blackburn, William August 1830 With Hudson Blackburn, James and Charles Mainer give consent to passage of the road.
Blackburn, William April 1834 With Hudson Blackburn to view for a road.
Blackburn, William November 1836 Given $10 for keeping Elizabeth Blackburn, a poor decriped child woman.
Blackburn, William April 1838 Along with John Blackburn to view for a road that formally belonged to Charles Mainor.
Blackburn, William February 1839 Along with Christopher Mainor to do road work.
Blackburn, William June 1839 To make a road.
Blackburn, William December 1842 Exempt from payment of county levy in the future (March Court).
Blankenship, Elijah November 1830 Together with Ezehial, Russell? and Spencer to keep the road in repair.
Blankenship, Ezehial November 1830 Together with Elijah, Russell? and Spencer to keep the road in repair.
Blankenship, Lydia October 1834 Appointed John Hargis as her guardian with Henry C. Harris providing $100 security.
Blankenship, Russell? November 1830 Together with Ezehial, Elijah and Spencer to keep the road in repair.
Blankenship, Spencer November 1830 Together with Ezehial, Elijah and Russell? to keep the road in repair.
Blankenship, William March 1830 To view and mark a road.
Blankenship, William May 1830 To make his report.
Blankenship, William May 1830 To make the road report.
Blankenship, William March 1831 To view and mark a road.
Blankenship, William July 1835 Ordered to be certified as an Old Revolutionary Soldier.
Hunt, Adam July 1835 Along with Moses Hunt mentioned for road work.
Hunt, Adam September 1837 Along with James? Hunt called as road hands.
Hunt, George September 1837 Along with John and Moses Hunt to survey for a road.
Hunt, George September 1840 Added to road hands.
Hunt, Henry April 1838 Exempt from working on road in the future.
Hunt, James? September 1837 Along with Adam Hunt called as road hands.
Hunt, John March 1822Resigns Justice of the Peace. Appointed surveyor.
Hunt, John July 1822To appraise an estate.
Hunt, John February 1833 To view for a road.
Hunt, John September 1837 Along with George and Moses Hunt to survey for a road.
Hunt, John January 1840 Administrator and appraisers appointed for the Estate of John Hunt dec'd.
Hunt, John March 1840 Inventory recieved of the Estate of John Hunt and ordered recorded.
Hunt, John April 1841 With Moses Hunt added as road hands.
Hunt, John December 1842 Settlement with the adminstrator of John Hunts Estate.
Hunt, Moses July 1835 Along with Adam Hunt mentioned for road work.
Hunt, Moses September 1837 Along with John and George Hunt to survey for a road.
Hunt, Moses April 1841 With John Hunt added as road hands.
Hunt, Phillip September 1824Exempt from paying county leavies in the future on account of imfirmity.
Hunt, Phillip October 1840Produced an account against John Hunt dec's will and is allowed $5 paid from the Estate.
Hunt, Thomas March 1829Ordered to survey a road from Moses Mainares Mill.
Hunt, Thomas December 1829Ordered to help with a road.
Hunt, Thomas December 1835 Mentioned for road work.
Hunt, Thomas April 1836 Mentioned.
Hunt, Thomas June 1838 Mentioned.
Hunt, Thomas September 1838 Road hand near Richard Mainors Mill.
Hunt, Thomas October 1838 To make a road.
Hunt, Thomas September 1838 Road hand near Richard Mainors Mill.
Hunt, Thomas April 1839 Thomas Hunt and former Hunt lands mentioned.
Hunt, Thomas April 1841 With Alvis Mainor for road work.
Hunt, Thomas April 1841 Mentioned.
Hunt, Thomas June 1841 Mentioned.
Hunt, Thomas June 1841Produced an account against John Hunt, dec'd will and is allowed $8.20 from of the Estate.
Hunt, William January 1829Has a list of hands to make a road.
Hunt, William February 1829Fined .50 for contempt of Court.
Hunt, William March 1831 To view and mark a road.
Hunt, William February 1833 With William Mainor to view a road.
Mainor, Allen October 1840 Mentioned.
Manor, Alvis April 1839 Alvis Manors Mill mentioned.
Mainor, Alvis April 1841 With Thomas Hunt for road work.
Mainor, Charles March 1829 A list against him ordered to be withdrawn.
Mainer, Charles June 1830 With James Mainer, William and Hudson Blackburn ordered to appear to show cause why if they can why a road shall not pass through their lands according to law.
Mainer, Charles August 1830 With James Mainer, William and Hudson Blackburn give consent to passage of the road.
Mainer, Charles Novmeber 1830 Appointed supertendant of the public road, Hudson Blackburn to help.
Marnard, Charles September 1833 Along with Jessee Mainard and Hudson Blackburn sworn in as road hands.
Mainor, Charles November 1837 To make a road.
Mainor, Charles Janauary 1838 Ordered to the February court to tell why he has not opened the road.
Mainor, Charles April 1838 William and John Blackburn to view for a road that formally belonged to him.
Mainor, Charles April 1838 Case against him.
Mainor, Christopher October 1834 To view for a road near James Mainors Watermill.
Mainor, Christopher July 1835 Along with Hudson Blackburn for road work.
Mainor, Christopher April 1838 To make a road to James Mainor's Mill.
Mainor, Christopher February 1839 Along with William Blackburn to do road work.
Mainare, David June 1822 Appointed surveyor from Moses Mainare Mill to Louis Mainares.
Mainare, David June 1823 Appointed surveyor.
Mainare, David July 1823 1822 taxes $40 worth of property.
Mainare, David May 1824 Added to list of surveyors, gets two hands to help him.
Mainare, David May 1829 To assist George Mainare to survey.
Mainer, David August 1830 To assist George Mainer in road making.
Mainor, David August 1831 Requests a road.
Mainer, David January 1832 Motions court to remove a road in James Mainers field.
Mainor, David May 1832 Appointed as a road hand.
Mainor, David January 1833 Gets more road hands.
Mainor, David November 1833 Provides security for Thomas Owens tavern.
Mainor, David November 1833 With George Mainor to view for a road.
Mainor, David June 1834 To view for a road.
Mainor, DavidApril 1835 George, Sampson and Moses Mainor ordered to be added to his list of hands.
Mainer, George May 1829 Appointed Surveyor and David Mainare to help.
Mainer, George August 1830 To assist David Mainer in road making.
Mainor, George November 1833 With David Mainor to view for a road.
Mainor, GeorgeApril 1835 Along with Sampson and Moses Mainor ordered to David Mainors list of road hands.
Mainare, Henry July 1823 Gave his tithable tax list.
Mainer, HenryMarch 1831 With James Jr/Sr?, Isaac and Jesse Mainer to assist in road making.
Mainer, Isaac May 1830 With Jesse and William Mainare to help with a road.
Mainer, IsaacMarch 1831 With Henry, James Jr/Sr? and Jesse Mainer to assist in road making.
Mainare, James June 1823 Exempt from paying county leavies in the future.
Mainor, James March 1829 To assist Thomas Hunt to make a road.
Mainer, James June 1830 With Charles Mainer, William and Hudson Blackburn ordered to appear to show cause why if they can why a road shall not pass through their lands according to law.
Mainer, James August 1830 With Charles Mainer, William and Hudson Blackburn give consent to passage of the road.
Mainor, James September 1830 To view and work the road.
Mainer, James Jr/Sr?March 1831 With Henry, Isaac and Jesse Mainer to assist in road making.
Mainer, James January 1832 Motions by David Mainer to remove a road in James Mainers field.
Mainor, James April 1838 Christpher Mainor to make a road to James Mainor's Mill.
Mainare, Jessee June 1823 Appointed surveyor.
Mainer, Jessee May 1830 With Isaac and William Mainare to help with a road.
Mainer, JesseeMarch 1831 With Henry, Isaac and James Mainer Jr/Sr? to assist in road making.
Marnard, Jessee September 1833 Along with Charles Mainard and Hudson Blackburn sworn in as road hands.
Mainare, Louis March 1822 Appointed surveyor.
Mainare, Mark July 1823 1822 taxes $25 worth of property.
Mainare, Moses May 1824 Ear mark records recorded.
Mainare, MosesNovember 1828 Ordered with William Mainare Jr. to mark the best way for a road.
Mainer, MosesJanuary 1829 Appointed to open a road.
Mainer, MosesAugust 1832 Moses Mainors Mill mentioned.
Mainor, MosesApril 1835 Along with George and Sampson Mainor ordered to David Mainors list of road hands.
Mainor, SampsonApril 1835 Along with George and Moses Mainor ordered to David Mainors list of road hands.
Mainor, Richard March 1829 To assist Thomas Hunt to make a road.
Mainor, Richard September 1838 Thomas Hunt to be a road hand near Richard Mainors Mill.
Mainare, William July 1823 1822 taxes $30 from his list.
Mainare, William July 1823 Exempt from paying county leavies in the future.
Mainare, William January 1824 Recommended as Justice of the Peace.
Mainare, William March 1824 Appointed as Justice of the Peace.
Mainare, William May 1824 Appointed Justice of the Peace and Esgn and received books.
Mainare, William November 1824 Allowed $2 to attend elections as Judge.
Mainer, William March 1829 To assist Thomas Hunt to make a road.
Mainer, William May 1830 With Jesse and Isaac Mainare to help with a road.
Mainer, William JrNovember 1828 Ordered with Moses Mainare to mark the best way for a road.
Mainer, William Sr March 1829 To assist Thomas Hunt to make a road.
Mainor, William February 1833 With William Hunt to view a road.
Trout, Charles August 1839 Appointed surveyor.
Trout, Christian December 1823 Ordered to find the best way to make a road.
Trout, Christian December 1828 Ordered to mark a road.
Trout, Christian February 1831 Exempt from paying any county leavies now and in the future.
Trout, Christian February 1833 To view for a road.
Trout, Christian October 1834 Produced statements and made an oath to obtain a pention for service in the Revolutionary War.
Trout, Christian July 1835 To report his review for a road.
Trout, Christian June 1837 Mentioned.
Trout, Christian September 1837 Mentioned a road on his land.
Trout, Lewis June 1842 Court case.
Trout, Lewis July 1842 Court case settled.

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