Search the Salt Lake Family History Library Catalog here.
Find records on film and/or fiche. Take the numbers and description into a Family History Center, place an order and they will be shipped there for viewing.
The FAMILY HISTORY CENTER'S, are a branch of the FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah. They have over 3,000,000 microfilms in their collection (listed in the FHLC) -- most of them available on loan through the Family History Center's.
No fees or charges except for microfilm orders, copies, and genealogical brochures for sale.
Genealogical Research Libraries and Researchers
Santa Clara County, California
Los Altos Family History Center
Grant Road
Los Altos, California
San Jose Family History Center
4977 San Felipe Road
San Jose, California
The library entrance is located in the center of the front of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints building.
Take Hwy 101 and exit east onto Yerba Buena. Turn right onto San Felipe Road. Church is on the right.
(408) 274-8592
Call for the current open hours
Santa Clara City Library
Central Library
Homestead Road
Santa Clara, CA 95051
E-Mail Address:
Hours: (except City holidays)
Monday - Thursday:* 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday and Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
* The library is closed from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
on the first Wednesday of each month.
Online Library Catalog
Santa Clara Family History Center
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 694
Santa Clara, CA 95052-0694
875 Quince Avenue
Santa Clara, California
The library entrance and parking are located on the north side of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints building.
Quince Avenue is located off Homestead Road between Lawrence Expressway and Benton,
(between sidestreets Pomeroy and Pepper Tree).
(408) 241-1449
Hours: Call
Online Libraries for Santa Clara County:
- History and Genealogy Santa Clara County GenWeb
Web Pages of Local Researchers:
- Jakubany, Slovakia Church Records
Slovakia, formerly Austria-Hungary
Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths
- Manley Mansion
Canada - Antigonish and Pictou, Nova Scotia
France, Germany, Ireland, Moravia, Poland, Scotland
US - KY, MO, NC, NY, VA, St. Clair County, IL, Clarian County, Pennsylvania, Tucker County, WV, Wayne County, MI
- PolandGenWeb
Help Pages - Poland Catholic Records Microfilms
Help for locating Polish records in Poland.
Local Researchers for Hire:
-INTERNATIONAL - (especially England, Netherlands, France, Sweden, Belgium and Catholic (Latin) records from most any country) -
- Ancestry Experts Inc. (John Flora--Professional Family Research Services)
+ If you are already actively involved in your own research and are
hitting some snags, I can help you with new ideas or new sources of information.
+ If you are interested in beginning a research project, I can perform a
brief introductory record search and provide some recommendations to help
get you started in the right direction.
+ If you aren't interested in doing your own research, I can conduct
ongoing research while providing you with regular progress reports.
I have been involved in genealogy for almost twenty years. During that
time, I have researched family lines in several countries in Europe, as
well as the British Isles and the United States. In addition to standard
genealogy research, I have experience in locating living friends and family members
who may have been separated by years and miles.
For more information, visit my website at: or
email me at:
Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. All Rights Reserved. Last update 04/19/2010
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